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The Parish Council normally meets on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of July, September, November, January and March. The May meeting of the Parish Council is its Annual Meeting and is preceded by the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

Meetings are held in Culford Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm (other than in May when it starts after the Annual Meeting of the Parish). Any variations to dates are published on this site (and in the Lark Valley Benefice Newsletter if time allows). Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and time is set aside within meetings for the public to comment on items on the agenda or suggest items for future agendas.

The agenda for the next meeting becomes available in the week of a meeting, by clicking the link on the right.



The archive of minutes can be found in the folders below - just click on the relevant year folder and then the date of the meeting. Years refer to administrative years, running from April to March. Please note that minutes are subject to amendment until they are approved by the Council at the following meeting.

Dates for 2024/25 meetings:

July 25th 2024
September 26th 2024
November 28th 2024 
January 30th 2025 
March 27th 2025
May 29th 2025


Agenda for next meeting